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Text File  |  2009-11-19  |  9.9 KB  |  254 lines

  1. [WebHelp]
  2. Done=Done
  3. FtsInputPrompt=Type in the word(s) to search for:
  4. JS_alert_InvalidExpression_3=Help
  5. InTopicSearchBtnText=Go
  6. SyncTocTooltip=Sync TOC
  7. JS_alert_cantLoadProject=Can't load project:
  8. JS_alert_InitDatabaseFailed=Error: Failed to initialize database.
  9. JS_alert_InvalidExpression_4=to learn how to use query expression.(To be finished)
  10. MergeError1=The merged Help system
  11. SuggestViewNoFrameMessage=To view the Help system without frames click on this
  12. ToolBarSearchBtnText=Go
  13. nls_body_instruction=Enter your question in the text box above, then click GO.
  14. MergeError2=is using a different language from the master Help system, which will cause the index and full-text search functionality to be disabled in the merged Help system.
  15. CompletingContents=Completing Contents...
  16. Definition=Definition:
  17. LoadingContentsData=Loading, click here to cancel...
  18. TopicsFound=Topics Found
  19. Title=Title
  20. FtsBtnText=Go
  21. Hide_Navigation_Component=Hide Navigation Component
  23. PoweredBy=Powered by
  24. GeneratedBy=Generated by
  25. JS_alert_NotAllDatabaseInited=Warning: Not all databases have been loaded. Some topics will not be found.
  26. IndexSelectTopicLabel=Select a topic, then click Display
  27. LoadingData=Loading data, please wait...
  28. LoadingIndex=Loading Index...
  29. CantSearch=Cannot search for that phrase.
  30. Book=Book
  31. Show_Navigation_Component=Show Navigation Component
  32. CantOpenURLorFile=Can't open URL or file
  33. Find=Find
  34. FtsHilitePrompt=Highlight search results
  35. FtsMaxResult=Search results per page
  36. nls_button_go_hint=Go Search
  37. nls_body_empty=Sorry, we were unable to find a good answer for your question.
  38. Cancel=Cancel
  39. Display=Display
  40. LoadingTOCItem=Loading Table of Contents:
  41. BrowserLimitedMessage=Your browser does not support frames. We recommend that you update your browser to a version that supports frames.
  42. Blank_topic_text=This topic was created by WinHelp Project Conversion Wizard, and is the destination of a missing topic or broken hyperlink.
  43. IndexSelectTopicTitle=Select a Topic
  44. Author=Author
  45. About=About
  46. Print=Print
  47. RelateTopicListPrompt=Click a topic, then click Display.
  48. Canceled=Canceled
  49. SearchLabel=Search
  50. nls_edit_label=Type in your question:
  51. IndexSelectTopicError=Please select a topic.
  52. TopicsNotFound=No Topics Found.
  53. JS_alert_colorlimitation=WebHelp has detected that your display is set to 16 colors. For full WebHelp support, please set your display to use 256 or more colors.
  54. JS_alert_LoadXmlFailed=Error: Failed to load xml file.
  55. NextTooltip=Next Topic
  56. Term=Term:
  57. LoadingContents=Loading contents, please wait...
  58. JS_alert_ProjectLoadingFail=Could not load correctly, please click Refresh.
  59. Rank=Rank
  60. IndexBtnText=Go
  61. SearchPrompt=- Search -
  62. PreTooltip=Previous Topic
  63. LoadingFTS=Reading Search Data...
  64. WebSearch=WebSearch
  65. Remote_Page=Remote Page
  66. IndexInputPrompt=Type in the keyword to find:
  67. JS_alert_appletNotLoad= Unable to load applet. If you are using an old version of Netscape, the prefs.js file needs to be edited.
  68. JS_alert_ErrorInLoading=Error in Loading navigation component. Please regenerate WebHelp.
  69. SuggestViewNoFrameMsg2=hyperlink.
  70. JS_alert_InvalidExpression_1=The words you typed is not a valid expression.
  71. Page=Page
  72. Searching=Searching...
  73. JS_alert_InvalidExpression_2=Click
  74. nls_button_go_text=Go
  75. [MasterPage]
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  77. MT_ShowString=Show
  78. [Common]
  79. Hide=Hide
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  81. Logo/Author=Powered By
  82. SyncToc=SyncToc
  83. Next=>>
  84. Seperate= |
  85. Contents=Contents
  86. Search=Search
  87. Glossary=Glossary
  88. Disabled Prev=<<
  89. Disabled Next=>>
  90. Show=Show
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  98. NextCaption=Next
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  101. PreTooltip=Previous Topic
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  113. [AdobeAIR]
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  115. AboutBoxHelpID=Help ID:
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  120. PreferenceDlgShowBreadCrumb=Show Breadcrumbs
  121. CommentBoxSendServerMessage=Comments sent to the shared location
  122. CommentBoxShowReviewerMenu=Reviewer
  123. CommentBoxShowCommentButton=Show
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  125. OpenInBrowser=Open in Browser
  126. DownloadingUpdate=Downloading Updates...
  127. OpenInNewTab=Open in new tab
  128. IndexSearchText=Type in keywords to search
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  140. MarkAsRead=Mark as Read
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  147. PreferenceDialogCommentsDeleteMsg=Do you want to delete all the comments?
  148. PreferenceDlgAutoUpdateContent=Auto Update Content
  149. PreferenceDlgReviewerName=Reviewer Name
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  151. CommentBoxSendRcvCommentButtonToolTip=Send and Receive Comments
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  167. FavoriteDisplayTopic=Display
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  172. NoUpdateLocationSpecified=Update location is not present
  173. UpdateAvailable=An Update is available. Do you want to update now?
  174. GlossaryDefinitionBoxTitle=Glossary Definition
  175. FavoriteDeleteButtonTitle=Delete
  176. CommentBoxCommentsAddEmptyError=Cannot add empty comments
  177. FavoriteInvalidNameError=Invalid Name
  178. ErrorInDownloadingUpdate=Error encountered while downloading
  179. InstallationStarted=Starting Installation...
  180. PreferenceDlgCheckUpdateButton=Check Now
  181. CommentBoxSaveXMLFileDlg=Save Comments XML File
  182. CommentBoxAddCommentButtonToolTip=Toggle comments box
  183. CommentBoxSendRcvCommentButton=Send and Receive
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  186. NewBookmarkURL=Link URL
  187. GenericDeleteMsg=Do you want to delete selected item?
  188. ViewerDialogOKButton=OK
  189. PreferenceDialogAllCommentsDeleted=All Comments are deleted
  190. CommentBoxReceiveServerMessage=Comments received from the shared location
  191. CommentBoxSendToFileMenu=Send to File
  192. CommentBoxShowCommentForCurrentTopic=Comments for Topic
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  201. FavoritesTopMenuToolTip=Add or View Favorites
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  203. ShowHideButtonToolTip=Show/Hide
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  208. CommentBoxDeleteCommentButtonToolTip=Delete selected Comment
  209. UpdateAvailableWithVersion=An Update to version %s is available. Do you want to update now?
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  211. FavoriteAlredyExists=already exists in Favorites
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  216. OpenURL=Open URL
  217. MarkAsUnread=Mark as Unread
  218. CheckingforUpdateMsg=Checking for Updates...
  219. NewUpdateAvailableMsg=New Update
  220. ErrorShowingHelpFile=Error in accessing help file
  221. PrintEntireHelpConfirmation=Do you want to print all the topics?
  222. newFolderName=New Folder
  223. BrowseSequenceBoxTitle=How Do I
  224. ViewFavoriteMenuItem=View Favorites
  225. FavoriteFeedsButtonTitle=RSS Feeds
  226. FavoriteAddFolder=Add Folder
  227. CommentBoxCommentFileMismatchError=Help ID does not match,  cannot import comments
  228. CommentBoxSaveButton=Save
  229. CommentImportFileDlgTitle=Select Comment XML File to Import
  230. PreferenceDlgHighLightSearch=Highlight search results
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  232. PrintEntireHelp=Print entire Help
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  235. CommentBoxConnectionError=Cannot access shared location for comments
  236. CommentBoxRecieveFromServerMenu=Receive from Server
  237. CommentBoxShowDateMenu=Date
  238. CommentBoxShowCommentReviewerMenu=Comments by Reviewer
  239. CommentShowCurrentMenuItem=Current
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  241. ServerConnectionError=No connection available to server, switching to offline mode
  242. Favorites=Favorites
  243. PrintMenuOptionsToolTip=Print Menu
  244. FavoriteLinksButtonTitle=Links
  245. AboutBoxDescription=Description:
  246. PreferenceDlgUseLoginName=Always use Log-in name for Reviewer name
  247. PreferenceDialogUserNameError=Please specify valid reviewer name
  248. CommentShowAllMenuItem=All
  249. CommentBoxSaveButtonToolTip=Click to add comments to database
  250. RSSSelectLabel=Select:
  251. SearchResultError=No search results found
  252. UpdateMsgTitle=Auto Update
  253. EditBookmarkDlgTitle=Edit Link